Welcome to The New Church Buccleuch website! We are glad you are visiting us and hope you find something here that helps you.
We are a family church committed to learning from and following the Lord Jesus Christ. We are committed to His ways of service to others in our work and everyday life.
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the One God of Heaven and Earth. We believe the Lord made His advent on earth to bring salvation to all people who live the life of true religion. All religion is of Life and the Life of Religion is to do what is good and right.
Through the Teachings for the New Church we are offering an understandable spiritual framework you can live by, use to discern the Lord’s direction for your life and to help with those difficult life questions.
We invite you to join us on Sunday @ 9:30am for our Worship Service. We start our services off with adults and children worshipping together. Halfway through the children go to the hall for a special children’s program.
We hope you will do us the honour of being our guest!
toward everything that is happy, regardless of the appearance of the means.”
cannot possibly condemn anyone. It is man who, in rejecting good,
condemns himself.”
self is a loser is that then the person does all the fighting alone.”
and to our neighbor as long as we are alive in the world,
and to serve at the Lord's good pleasure in the other world.”
anything compared with the things in which you are not.”
and also with those who love the neighbor. ”
understanding what is true and good, but are motivated by and living
what is true and good; for this is wisdom.”
and wants to make everyone happy forever.”
to do the neighbor good, and in this being the delight of life;
and this without any reward. ”